YMM Reading List

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Waiting for Post-9/11 GI Bill Transferability Rules

According to the VA website, each of the individual services will be able to set their own rules for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Congress has authorized the VA to pay tuition benefits to the veteran's immediate family, but I believe that the services will use this as a retention tool. In other words, active duty military members will likely incur active service duty commitments in order to pay educational benefits to their children. Spouses of active duty members may be treated differently, so check back often. I'll post any information as soon as it becomes available.


Jerry said...

This is a big question for a lot of veterans. I'm actually just trying to find out if I will be able to have some insurance of using the post-9/11 benefits for myself, as I am studying overseas. Getting my school approved for this may lead me to lose my mind, but it will hopefully all work out in the end...

wxman said...

You don't want insurance of using the benefits, you want assurance of using the benefits. Enjoy school...